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University Pollution and Toxic Substance Prevention and Control Education Project 2017

Execution duration of this plan is from August 30, 2017 to December 30, 2017,and the results of the work are summarized as follows: (A) For college poisoning disaster prevention education and promotion activities The program completed 22 field education programs on poisoning prevention and control of tertiary institutions from September 5, 106 to November 2,106,with laboratories and equipment in colleges and universities as priority targets and 22 field trips Seven events were conducted in the northern region, nine in the central region, five in the southern region and one in the eastern region. The number of attendances is in line with school activities. For example, with the exercises, trainings and lectures of universities and colleges, field trips and contingent vehicles are sent to the campus for teaching, training and simulation. Propaganda products(L-shaped folder, cool towel and small school bag). In addition, the program designs pre-class and post-survey questionnaires for promotional activities and clips the 30-minute video clips and the 3-minute video clips for the deposit of the Chemical Bureau In addition, the content of each promotion of this program is designed for creative activities to integrate the contents of the course so as to make the education more exciting and informative. (B) For poisoning disaster prevention education promotion press conference In order to promote green chemistry, prevent and mitigate toxicological changes, the Chemistry Bureau will jointly promote the promotion of green chemistry education and high education through its cooperation with the Ministry of Education in addition to continuing education in green chemistry education and toxicological disaster prevention trains in tertiary institutions. Disaster prevention concept, has reached a coherent strategy. In order to expand the effectiveness of propaganda, a "Green Chemistry and Poisonous Disaster Prevention Joint Press Conference" will be held and the Ministry of Education, high school vocational schools and tertiary institutions will be invited to sign the agreement to expand the effectiveness of the promotion and implementation. The project has completed the poisoning disaster prevention education to promote press conference for processing, date of December 26, 106, with "green campus to mobilize partners to promote interdisciplinary" as slogan, the main content to promote the promotion of green chemistry education In collaboration with the Department of Drug Control and Disaster Prevention, the Ministry of Education, high school vocational schools and tertiary institutions are invited to attend. During the meeting, a green chemistry education promotion and poisoning disaster prevention video will be released. Importance of green chemistry and disaster prevention will be introduced At the press conference, professional protective clothing and related protective equipment will be arranged on the spot to help reporters understand the contents of protective equipment and to explain by hand the simple and easy response methods of poisoning disaster prevention and control to "red, off, bubble, cover and deliver" Protection and emergency response capabilities. (C) Manage supervisor poison poisoning disaster prevention education and education camp In order to strengthen the notion of poisoning and disaster prevention of supervisors and to enhance the resilience of chemical industry to major national poisonous disasters and to provide a platform for horizontal exchanges and communication among various departments and departments, this program plans 2 days and 1 night incentive camp activities, which will combine environmental protection Hotels, food factories and sightseeing factories and other units, to achieve multi-purpose education for energy purposes. The project has completed the management plan of the Chemical Management Bureau poisoning and disaster prevention education camp. It is estimated that from December 1, 106 to December 2, 106, the planning camp will be two days and one night to encourage camp activities, environmental education facilities Site as the core, combined with sightseeing factories and other units, the course lecturer will invite environmental technology group together to achieve the purpose of multi-faceted education for energy, for the tentative position to thirst for meeting hall conference room, Guo Yuan Yi Pastry Museum, South Overseas Chinese Taoyuan Experience Experience Factory Features also apply to the concept of environmental management.
Promotion, Press conference, Policy camp